Preliminaries of Design Thinking Design thinking as a tool to getting in touch with customers and users, to understand those segments we are touching through our products and services. Look at our innovations and productions, and what our customer needs Phases in Design Thinking - IDEO Source: Design Thinking Inspiration Ideation Implementation IDEO made Design Thinking popular as they were involved in industrial design and product design, and they applied it to different areas Involves the intersection of the 3 areas that result in an innovative experience: Business (Viability) People (Desirability) Technology (Feasibility) Source: Design Thinking – Human Centred Design Business + People = Emotional innovation (brands, marketing, relationships) People + Technology Phases in Design Thinking - Stanford University The IDEO process was further developed by Stanford University. Source: Design Thinking for Everyday Life Empathize - this involves experience the problem from the user/custo