Since I'm in an educational institution, I've always asked myself what technology could do to help make education better and innovative (that is the very purpose of the CIECT Unit). I am also quite young and I am quite active on social media. I am also a commerce student. I recently read up on the statistics with regards to Mark Zuckerberg and his creation of thousands of jobs that includes employment of app developers for games found on Facebook. Most university students, if not all university students spend hours on end playing games on Facebook's App Center. This App Center host hundred of thousands of games that could and would blow your mind. These games range from Arts to Business to Educational categories that keep the students or player glued to the screen, one of those games being Pet Rescue Saga (Facebook App Center) . This particular is one of the most played games on Facebook with over +10 million monthly users. Why not develop such a game that would save a s