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Showing posts from August 24, 2014

I.T., Accounting and Financial Information Security

My first day back at work after 3 weeks of absentia (as I took an indefinite leave for medical reasons) seems to be going quite well as a matter of fact. Walking back into the office, I felt the energy that welcomed me here the first day I stepped in. My supervisor seems to be pleased with me back at work and I seem to be content with being back at the office. It has been a while. It is not uncommon among students that undertake disciplines that involve economic and management sciences to table the discussion of the current economic climate and the cause of such. Most will concur with each other this is a result of the chaos involved in the Auditing and Financial Accounting disciplines, but a few may even point out that this is a result of an information system that does address these issues within these disciplines. Moreover, more and more arguments are simple connotations that suggest how I.T. and Accounting disciplines should be aligned as to pre-empt, prevent or even avoid the